Sunday, March 15, 2009

Let me

In the times when you are so desperate to let your feelings out to explain, to such an extent that the stars don't shine anymore, that the sun refuses to let its light on you, and so forth. And hence a plead a chance to express.

Give me a chance
to let me express,
I've been denying
my heart every bless.

Give me a chance
and let me explain,
believe my lady
truthz unbeknown.

Why don't we talk?
Why don't we throw?
out the emotions
and deflect the woe.

I've been trying
I've been wondering,
why on earth
is my happiness plundering?

You gota believe me
You gota hear me,
for all the love we shared
we want it to be.

I've been denying,
my heart every bless,
I still wana wait
I know I can express.

A dawn shall rise
my dusk will set,
and when prejudice cries
your tears will sweat.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome... mukarrar... aapka takhallus kya hai ? :D
